Wednesday, February 24, 2010


  • Dotara
The Dotota is a two or four stringed musical instruments resembling a small guitar. It is commonly used in Bangladesh n west Bengle and dates from the 15th-16th century when it was adopted by the ascetic cults of cults and bauls.
The Dotara is singlemost folk music instrument used in various genres of folk music throughout the land of Bengal. It has two main forms Bangla n Bhawaiya. The Bangla form originated from "Rahr Bangla" where it is still predominantly played. It has metal strings which give it brighter tone rhan the other instruments played in the area.
The Bhawaiya from dotora is almost extinct in contemporary time n has more primeval beginning than it's Bangla cousin. Again the strings are its sriking feature,being either made of thick cotton strings or more popularly of catgut,giving it a more bass timbre. This instrument is widely used in bhawaiya, Jaalpariya and Mahishali forms of folk music prevailing in and around the Bengle province.

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